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Life Cycle

Boids evolved from simple life forms similar to fungus. They begin life as a mass of simple cells similar to mycelium called Hypid. Hyphid reproduce via fruiting bodies that produce spores. The “fungus” based life evolved to take advantage of more complex life forms as hosts. After Hyphid spores are established in a host organism they reach equilibrium with the nervous system and will live inside the organism indefinitely. Once this stage of equilibrium is established, a unique conscious mind arises from Hyphid structures interacting with neural tissue of the host brain and this new consciousness is called a “Boid Psyche”. Hyphid structures are typically only able to establish a new psyche in creatures with a basic nervous system such as fish, birds, reptiles, and some simple mammals. More advanced nervous systems will overpower the Hyphid killing it. The Boid Psyche amplifies the existing host nervous system and could be considered sentient.

by "John H."