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A pure light being

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Avisriel was a God like no other. He was a being of pure light and energy, with wings of shimmering gold that seemed to stretch on for eternity. He was a God of healing, and wherever he went, he left behind a trail of light and life.

It was said that Avisriel had the power to eradicate disease with a single touch. He would fly to the sick and the dying, and his wings would beat with a radiance that could be seen from miles away. As he approached, the people would open their eyes and see a bright light shining down on them, and they would feel a warmth spreading through their bodies.

Avisriel was not just a God of healing, however. He was also a God of knowledge, and he was always seeking new ways to understand the world around him. He spent many years exploring the vast expanse of the universe, and wherever he went, he brought back new insights and understanding.

As time went on, Avisriel’s descendants became obsessed with pursuing knowledge. They were known as the Nol, and they were a highly intelligent and curious race of bird-like humanoids, created after the image of Avisriel himself. They dedicated their lives to learning and understanding the mysteries of the world, and they became known as the greatest scholars of their age.

However, as the Nol’s knowledge grew, so did their arrogance. They became convinced that they knew more than anyone else, and they looked down upon those who were not as learned as they were. They saw themselves as superior beings, and they looked upon the rest of the world with contempt.

This arrogance led to many conflicts, as the Nol often sought to impose their will upon others. They believed that their vast knowledge gave them the right to rule over all, and they used their power and influence to bend others to their will.

Despite this, there was a small sect of the Nol known as the Trovi who did not share the same arrogance as their kin. They continued to search out the mysteries of the universe, discover new things, and took a humble approach to scholarship. They were the exception to the rule, and those who knew them respected and admired them.

The Trovi became known as the true seekers of knowledge, always striving to learn more and expand their understanding of the world. They were known for their curiosity, and those seeking guidance and understanding sought their humble approach to scholarship.

Over time, the Trovi became the guardians of knowledge and wisdom, and they were revered for their dedication to learning and their willingness to help others. They were the shining example of what the Nol could be, and they were a beacon of hope for those who sought to understand the mysteries of the universe.

Despite their many achievements, the Nol as a whole could not escape their own hubris. They became increasingly isolated and arrogant, and they lost sight of their true purpose. They saw themselves as gods, and they turned their backs on the rest of the world.

But Avisriel had not forgotten his purpose, and he watched over the Nol with a heavy heart. He knew that their arrogance would be their downfall, and he prayed to Greater Pantheon to concede an intervention or they would one day come to see the error of their ways.

And so Avisriel continued to fly across the vast expanse of the universe, bringing light and life wherever he went. He was a shining beacon of hope and goodness, and he knew that as long as he was there, there was always a chance for redemption.

by "Konner"