Boids in Nol society
As Nol society improved their understanding of Hyphid colonies and Boid organisms they started to incorporate them into their civilizations more. Hyphid colonies and Boids are cultivated and strictly monitored according to regulations that keeps the colony healthy but prevents the colonies from growing too large (progressing to stage 2) and also prevents any communication between the Boids and their home colony. The Boid organisms lived among Nol society as an underclass as they were never considered to be very intelligent compared to a typical Nol and thus they were limited to manual labor type jobs. The Boid bridging tech advanced to become more accessible to more Nol but still only accessible to the top 5% of society. Due to the advantages conferred from Boid bridging, it was common to see the Bridged Nols with enhanced capabilities in positions of power in government and industry.
The Trovi, who were more experienced with cultivation of Hyphid colonies and had possession of older colonies had a deeper understanding of the true potential of the organisms and worked to spread information in an effort to encourage Boids to demand more freedom and autonomy from the Nols. Boids who grew up in Nol society cut off from their home hive were difficult to convince at first, but the Trovi started holding recreational retreats for the city Boids to meet the Trovi hyphid colonies ( a tier 2 and a secret tier 3 colony). For a Boid that grew up in a Nol city, communicating and interacting with a hive for the first time was a life altering spiritual experience. The Trovi eventually gained enough organic support among Boid society in major Nol Cities and various political activist groups sprung up made up of Nols and Boids alike campaigning for Boid and Hyphid colony rights and independence.
by "John H."