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The Prime

Hybra is the current leader of the Nolic council. Hybra in many respects is the smartest Nol to ever exist. However, that same knowledge inhibited his knowledge. Hybra is a traditionalist and applies his vast intelligence in ways that exemplify Nolic traditions. Hybra is considered rational if you believe in traditionalism, however, if your views are even slightly more progressive Hybra can seem like a tyrant. Blinded by self pride and his assumed wealth of knowledge he becomes complacent.


"Those Imbeciles call themselves Seekers, The Trovi, If there was anything else that needed knowing regarding the Boid I would already know it. When they were first discovered we conducted vast studies on them and nothing of note was found and the results were conclusive. I closed and finalized the process myself." Hybra said to himself as he walked the halls of the Grand Assembly. "That Cador thinks he is smarter than me? Time will tell and time will show that I am right! The Boid are nothing more than a parasite. A parasitic fungus that uses the animal instinct long after the host has expired." He ran his hands through his hair as he entered the Chamber.

"The Prime has entered all arise." An attendant bellowed as Hybra entered. Waving everyone to sit he headed towards his seat. The grand seat was an elaborately decorated piece of luxury. Every speck was carved with grand events from Nolic history carried out by the Primes of that era. Just sitting on the chair gave Hybra a sense of peace knowing he was all those grand wars and discoveries depicted on his chair he was better than all the Primes before him and he would lead the Nol to even greater heights he was sure of it. "We have come to discuss the annoyance that is the Trovi." he said in a flat tone. "In their time since their foundation, the only worthwhile thing they have discovered was The Center. They are a drain and a weakness to Nolic society. The things they research, the discoveries and Progression they believe they are making are taking two steps backsword for every step forward they think they are taking." He paused for a moment as he prepared his next words. "The Trovi have strayed too far from the proper path for far too long. I propose the removal and ejection of Cador as the head of the Trovi and installing one of our own members in his place." The murmurs and shouting began instantly. Hybra sat back in his chair with a small smile. As the Prime the rest of the council was merely just a formality. He would let them come argue as he guided them towards the proper decision. He would ensure that the next time Cador slipped up it would be his last.

"Intelligence is power and knowledge is absolute. and absolution is key to everything."

by "Konner"